No more betting for quite awhile


It was Superbowl night and Brad, and his girlfriend Sheila were getting ready for the big game, Brad’s team was the Bengals and Sheila’s team was the Rams. Each year they decided to make a bet for fun, but this year was different, they both had a few drinks and Sheila said that if Brad won, she would do whatever he asked and for as long as he wanted. Brad jokingly said that if Sheila won, he would bet his adulthood knowing that it would be impossible for that to happen. They both shook hands and the whole night they were on the edge of their seats; Brad was winning, and the game was almost over, and he started bragging and smiling about it. But with the game almost in the bag Sheila’s team came back with a little over a minute left and took the lead, then Brad started to get very nervous as he hoped his team could score. When the time ran out on the game Sheila’s Rams won the game, Brad laughed at her and said that it was impossible for him to lose his adulthood. Sheila looked at him and grinned and waved her finger at him and said it’s not impossible if your girlfriend is a witch, poor Brad didn’t believe her until his body started to change and his clothes did as well. When it was all over poor little Brad wasn’t much older than that of a 1-year-old in a white onesie with the Bengals logo on it and a droopy wet diaper underneath his bottom. Brad looked at his hands and body and began to cry and wail until Sheila bent down and scooped him up and said “well now my little one it appears I have won and also it looks like someone needs a fresh pair of pants! But don’t worry sweetie we have plenty of Pampers to place you in, best get used to it because you're going to be in them for quite a while. You’ll be taken care of I promise that but no more betting for you for a long long time baby!”  


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