Magical birthday present


It was Jeff’s birthday and he looked at it like any other day but then his wife and her daughter gave him a present, he decided to sit on the floor in the spare room in the house and began to open it. When he got the lid of the box off there was a bright glow coming from it, then the whole room was engulfed by the bright light from the box. Once the light diminished and he could see again everything looked very strange to him, not only that but his clothes he was wearing felt a lot different as well. He looked around the room and instead of it being empty it was filled with what looked like objects for a nursery, he thought he was seeing things when he noticed a white wooden crib next to the wall. Not only that but a rocking chair in the corner and a small toy box and on the other wall was a completely stocked wooden changing table, and lastly that the room was painted a light baby blue color. Then he looked down at himself and his normal clothes of shorts and a t-shirt  were gone and in there place was a yellow buttoned up pair of pajamas and socks on his feet, he attempted to get up but his legs were a little wobbly and there was a distinct crinkling sound and bulge around his waist causing his legs to be farther apart then usual. He managed to take a few steps before he fell and landed softly on his padded bottom, in front of him was a light brown teddy bear. Then the room door opened and in walked his wife and her daughter who were now towering above him, his wife said “look monkey you have the baby brother you were wanting!” Her daughter replied saying “I know mommy it’s hard to believe he is this cute and adorable now!” It was all too much for Jeff to take in at once and began to cry, his wife bent down and tried to cheer him up but he wasn’t having it. But when her daughter picked up the teddy bear and stuck it out for him he sniffled and reached out for the stuffed bear, then his wife scooped him up and said “awe don’t worry sweetie, look at it this way we now have the room fixed up and full and my daughter has a baby brother now!” Jeff thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all but then his wife stuck her finger in the side of his pants and said “uh oh it appears that my cute wittle baby boy needs to have his diaper changed!” Then it all came back to him and he began to cry as hard as he could while she laid him down on the changing table and began to undress him right in front of her.
