Never make fun of other people

Tim had made fun of a girl in one of his classes today and really made her upset, then one of her friends asked if she wanted to get back at him and to really humiliate Tim so much, he won’t ever forget. 


The two girls later that night got together and one of the girls called Tim to come over to her house for a little excitement, of course Tim was so happy to turn it down and decided to go. 


Before Tim got there both girls got together with a spell book, the one girl didn’t believe in that sort of thing but thought if it worked it could be fun. The spell was to turn Tim back into a small babbling little baby, but with his grown-up mind so he will never forget it. 


The spell called for: 1 strand of hair from the victim, a picture of a baby and lastly a bowl of water. The girls got the picture and water and waited for Tim to arrive, once he did one girl stayed in the room while the other one worked on helping Tim relax. 


Minutes later the one girl was on the couch with Tim and started making out and while she ran her fingers through his hair a strand fell onto her hand, she then excused herself and went back to the room with her friend. 


The girls then placed the bowl of water on the table and placed the picture of a baby behind it and dropped the strand of hair into the water, the girls then grabbed hands and chanted. 


“Human that cries like a baby; turn them into what they sound like!” 


They said this three times and then everything got really quiet, and they left the room and headed to where Tim was and found a very small naked baby boy fighting in oversized clothes, the girl he made fun of pulled the oversized shirt off of him and they both smiled towering over him. 


Tim looked at them and squeaked in a small voice “wha, where is me? Why everything so big, and where’s me cwothes!” The girls laughed and scooped him up and took him to the other room and turned the light to show him what awaited him. 


When Tim saw the pack of Diapers, baby wipes, cute little outfits and a pacifier he began to cry and tried to apologize for what he did. But while he tried to apologize, he never noticed that he was peeing all over himself and the girl holding him, they laughed and smiled while saying “awe look at the wittle baby, it appears someone had an accident. It’s a good thing we have really thick and adorable Diapers already for him!” 


Tim began to scream as he tried to fight them but all he managed to do was get his bottom swatted a few times and placed in the first of many Diapers, the girls then took baby Tim to school and showed him off as everyone he ever knew laughed and pointed at him. 



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