Jeff's Saint Patricks day surprise

 It was Saint Patrick’s Day and Jeff decided he was going to trap a leprechaun, he set a trap and waited for the bell to ring. When he heard the noise, he ran and lifted the box up revealing a small brown-haired woman with a green hat and dress on, he couldn’t believe he actually caught a leprechaun. He didn’t know what to do next until the leprechaun crossed her arms and said, “well hello there deary you caught me now what is your wish?” Jeff didn’t know what to wish for and thought for a few minutes then he told her he wished to be irresistible to his fiancé and to have a basket of gold with a rainbow and everything, the woman closed her eyes and said, “once you release me your wish will come true!” Jeff then released her and eagerly waited for his wish and began to feel sleepy, he could hardly keep his eyes open but could swear he saw a strange woman in front of him and like he was being picked up. Then he laid his head over and his arm slid down by his side as he passed out, then the leprechaun smirked at her work and Jeff was no longer a grown-up but maybe a tot close to the age of 1. She then said, “well sweetie you got your wish now you are irresistible to not only your fiancé but to everyone else as well.” Then she waved her hands and a colorful rainbow appeared above the sleeping tot in a wooden basket shaped like an old stroller with golden Easter grass underneath him, and then she lightly touched his nose, and his body became enveloped in a knitted green leprechaun outfit with a green knitted hat as well and of course a thickly padded diaper tightly wrapped around his waist. Once her job was done, she kissed him lightly on the forehead and disappeared leaving the sleeping baby for his fiancé or now his new mommy to find.  


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