Unhappy Sleepover


"Awe mom do I have too? I promise I won’t do it again!”

“Now Brian I told you not to bring anymore bad grades home and you didn’t listen, so this weekend you will watch over your sisters sleepover and do as they ask!”

“But mom anything but that, please ground me or something!”

“Now young man you will behave this weekend and watch over your sister and her friends and if you don’t do as they ask then you will be grounded for 2 weeks!”

“This is so not fair!”

“Okay kids yall be good and I’ll be back on Sunday.”

*hours later*

“Hey Sammy I’m glad you came and Molly is right behind you and last but not least Kelly, you girls ready to have some fun!”

“Lilly here’s your food, now I’m going back to my room!”

“Oh Brian where are you going? Mom said you had to do as I ask!”

“Fine what do you want Lilly?”

“Well… girls what do you think? Make over for my grumpy brother!”

“Oh yes, we think that will help him!”

“Awe come on you cant be serious!”

“Brian you can either sit down on the floor in the middle of us or I can call mom!”

“Fine but I don’t want a lot of the goop on my face.”

“I know Lilly why don’t we put a sleep mask on him until we are finished!”

“Yes lets do that, don’t worry Brian we will take care of everything!”

“here first he needs some blush, oh and his toes and fingernails painted, and one last thing of course a new wardrobe!”

“Awe Brian is going to look so cute and adorable once we get finished, I know since we are doing this and since it’s a girls sleepover he might as well have a girls name any idea “

“Oh I know I think the name Brianna would fit well!”

“Okay Brian or Brianna are you ready to see how you look?”

“Yes Lilly I’m weady! Wait why does my voice sound different?”

“Okay and off with the mask and Kelly hand me a mirror.”

“And open your eyes and tell us what you think!”

“what tha? Wat did you do ta me?!”

“Awe I think your adorable Brianna, what do you girls think?”

“Awe don’t run away Brianna, come back!”

“No leave me alone, I don’t wike dis change me back now!”

“Sorry Brianna we can’t change you back but it does smell like something else needs to be changed!”

“Molly it’s a good thing you brought your dolls diaper bag, maybe one of the diapers will fir little Brianna!”

*Cries* “No… I no wanna be wike dis, and I no need a diapee!”

“Come on Briannalet go of the chair leg and let us get you cleaned up, afterwards it’s night time for you.”

*Hours later*

“Finally we got her to sleep, Lilly I can’t wait for us to show your mom.”

*Ding dong*

“Come on Lilly and Brian open the door my arms are full!”

*Door opens* “Hi mommy I’m glad your back, we have a surprise for you!”

“Lilly where is your brother?”

“Well mommy you remember how you said you wished you had 2 girls instead of a boy and a girl.”

“Yes Lilly I remember now where is your brother!”

“Mommy he is in here but he is sleeping, you have to be quiet!”

“Lilly today has not been a good day now where is your brother!”

*Cries* “Mommy I’m in here help me pwease!”

“Don’t worry Brian I’m here honey, Lilly turn on the room light please!”

“Ta-da mommy look at Brian now!”

“What in the world Brian is that you?”

“Mommy do you like it? And does he make a cute and adorable little girl and I think instead he should be named Brianna!”



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