Peter Parker's mistake from fighting Thano's


Peter Parker aka Spider-Man was trying to help the avengers with getting the gauntlet away from Thanos, everything was going well until Thanos had enough and removed the time stone from the gauntlet and hit him. Peter disappeared and was back at his aunt Mays house, but something was off, he removed his mask and went to find aunt may. 

He then felt a slight pain course through his body, and he bent over because of it, he began to notice the Spider-Man costume began to change as well and screamed out in pain. Aunt may came running to him to see if he was okay, he looked up at her and she began to look different as well. He noticed that her gray hair and wrinkles were beginning to disappear, and her hair turned dark brown, and she began to look noticeably younger, then he felt as his costume seemed to feel looser on him.

 When he stood back up straight, he began to notice that aunt May began to look a little taller than him now, then he tried to figure out what caused it and sent a distress signal to Iron man and the other avengers. He hoped they would be able to help him soon, then he began to drastically dwindle in size as the floor began to get very close to him. Not only that but aunt May began to dwindle in size and age as well, he was almost in tears and decided to put his mask back on so she wouldn’t notice.

 Then his costume puffed out on his sleeves to look like a small kid's costume with fake muscles on it, aunt May looked like a teenager getting ready to go through puberty. Then he felt the pain again and watched as aunt May began to get younger and her hair started to turn blonde as his costume began to engulf itself on his body and he fell to the floor swimming in the now oversized kids costume and then he completely vanished as the costume sunk to the floor. 

Aunt May sat down and looked at it and wondered who the boy was and where he went, back to the avengers fighting Thanos Iron man demanded to know where Spider-Man was and the villain began to laugh and said, “don’t worry you’ll see him again in nine months,” and disappeared. Iron man thought that can’t be good and left to find Peter, but once he got to the house there was a new family living there with a little girl sitting outside with her chin in her hands.

 Iron man aka Tony Stark now walked over to her to see why she looked unhappy, the little girl lifted her head and said “my mommy said I’m going to have either a niece or a nephew in about nine months and that if anything happens, I’m supposed to be the one to care for it. I don’t have any problems with it mister, but I don’t wanna have to change any diapers, oh sorry mister I forgot to introduce myself and you seem really nice. My name is May Reilly, what’s yours?” 


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