Milk Bath


Angel decided to go take a nice relaxing bath but decided to do what is called a milk bath, which is supposed to help make your skin feel smoother and help get rid of dead skin. She asked her fiancé Jeff to come join her because she knew he was depressed for finding out they couldn’t have kids, so after begging him to join her he decided to go ahead. 


Angel also decided to put a few scented soap flowers in it, as the couple was relaxing in the tub Jeff began to feel something strange. Angel looked at him and noticed that he did seem a little different but thought nothing of it, as minutes went by Jeff could still feel something weird going on with his body. 


Angel looked at him again and tried not to smile because she knew exactly what it was but didn’t want to tell him just yet, Jeff felt his face as he started to get worried and found that his face was completely smooth and hairless. Angel told him to stop worrying and just relax, then Jeff began to slowly sink in the tub as he felt like he was in a trance. 


After about an hour Angel reached over and smiled as she pulled over an adorable 1 year old baby boy, she lightly tapped him on the nose and said, “honey I know you were so upset about not being able to have kids with me but just think soon I will be able to have a sweet, adorable baby boy!” Then while in her arms Jeff continued to get smaller and smaller and he continued to dwindle in age and size. 


The baby boy began to cry as he was scared for dear life, but Angel continued to calm him down and said, “don’t worry sweetie it won’t be long now and when I go to give birth to you, you will have a loving mommy and big sister!” In Jeff’s mind he was freaking out and then Angel lifted her legs and lowered her once loving fiancée down in the water a little as slowly a cord began to slowly move toward the baby. 


Then it attached itself to the baby as it slowly and gently tugged on the now day-old infant and in seconds the baby was gone, Angel sat back in the tub as her belly began to protrude out and then dwindle in size. Once Angel got out of the tub, she began to rub her small belly and said, “just think in 4 more months you’ll be a happy baby boy and mommy will love you no matter what!" 


Angel then let the water drain out of the tub and got dressed and walked into the spare bedroom she and Jeff had made into a nursery, she began to softly cry because she knew she would miss him but also that she would have him back as her adorable baby boy.  


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