Jeff should never text and drive *made by Andlat L Fox"


On my way home. Jeff texted as he turned left. What do you want to do for dinner? He smiled as he heard the chime that indicated that his girlfriend had responded, but it faded slightly as he saw yet another scolding text about not texting while driving.

Texting while driving again? Clearly I'm going to have to teach you a lesson, mister. Jeff was unsure what that meant, but he did not like the sound of it. He felt his stomach ache a bit, as it often did when he got nervous. the stomachache turned into a general tingling, which only made him more concerned. Thankfully, he pulled into the driveway just as the tingling grew substantial enough to make him feel like continuing to drive was dangerous.

He tried to unbuckle his seat-belt, but his hands shook too much to accomplish it as the tingling grew even more powerful. He looked down at his hands and gasped as he saw not his hands, but his entire body start to rapidly shrink. His clothes vanished, leaving him in just his underwear, but it quickly transformed into a thick, crinkly diaper with Sesame Street characters cavorting on it.

"What the?" He said, staring down at it in utter disbelief. "I don't need diapies!" He gasped as he realized that the steering wheel was now higher than him. "What's going on?" The car door opened and he saw his girlfriend looking down on him with a grin.

"Baby doesn't belong here!" She scooped him up and moved him to the back, where a car seat had suddenly materialized. "You belong here, don't you?" Jeff tried to talk to his girlfriend, but he was still too shocked. "Oh, and since you love texting in the car," she handed him a blue plastic toy cell phone with a giggle. "Surprise, baby!"


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