Diploma's to Diapers


Tara was so excited to finally be graduating from high-school, she was one of the popular girls in school and looked down and made fun of other kids younger then her. The other day she made fun of an 8th grader for tripping over her shoelaces, she was with her friends and pointed at the younger girl and said “awe look girls the poor little girl fell down and went boom, poor little one maybe her mommy needs to teach her how to walk without falling!”

The poor girl was so embarrassed by what Tara said and tried to fight it off but began to cry, though this only made it much worse for her. Tara walked over to the girl and said “awe is the little girl ok? you don’t have to cry, maybe someone will get your mommy for you sweetie.” Then the girl accidentally bumped into Tara causing her to spill her drink on the younger girl, Tara started to yell at the girl for it but then began laughing.

The drink had spilt on the younger girls pants making it look like she was unable to make it to the bathroom, giving Tara more fire to play with. The young girl looked at her with tears running down her face and a wet spot on her pants, Tara then said “uh oh everyone it looks like someone had a little accident, maybe if you go to the school nurse maybe they can help you get cleaned up and maybe they will have a cute thickly padded diaper for you as well just incase you have anymore accidents!”

Then Tara and her friends walked away, while the 8th grade girl swore that she would get even with her, that was a few days ago and now Tara was happy to be graduating. The 8th grade girl looked up away to get her revenge and was happy to find something that would put Tara in her place.

All of the seniors were lining up to go into the gym for graduation and as they walked the halls the 8th grade girl bumped into Tara again but this time on purpose, putting her plan into motion. Tara pushed the girl away and then fixed her graduation cap and stuck her nose up and walked away, the 8th grade girl looked back with a mischievous grin on her face.

Tara then notice something that looked like white dust or powder on her graduation gown and took her hand and wiped it off, not caring what it was. Then came the moment Tara had been waiting for and secretly it was the same for the 8th grade girl, Tara’s name was called and she walked up on the stage to get her diploma and then turned to get her picture taken.

Just as the flash from the camera dispersed there was a lot of gasps and awe’s from the fellow students and lots of laughter as well, Tara tried to see what all the commotion was but oddly had to lift her graduation cap to be able to see. Then the school principal looked down at her and said “awe aren’t you just the cutest little baby I have ever seen and look at you with your own graduation cap as well, but I’m sorry sweetie but it looks like you won’t be graduating for very many years from now!”

Tara could only look up as she was confused about what had happened, then she looked down and noticed all of her clothes were gone except for the diaper she was wearing. She then made a double take on the diaper she was wearing as it started to slowly change color, she tried to speak but all that came out was baby gibberish.

Then the principal asked for someone to come collect the small baby so they could continue with the graduation ceremony, then a shadow appeared around Tara as she heard a familiar voice saying “I’m so sorry, I have just started babysitting and she must have gotten away from me.” Then Tara was scooped up off the stage and noticed who the shadow belonged to and it was the 8th grade girl she had made fun of.


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