A New Mortal Kombat Experence


Brad decided to play against his friend MissFoxie on Mortal Kombat online, he picked the

character Johnny Cage and she picked the ninja assassin Jade. The match was a tough one

and there was several times Brad thought he had her, but then she would counter his moves

or would block him making it much harder to fight.

MissFoxie won the first round but Brad thought okay i took it easy on you last time now

it's on! but before he had a chance to do a single move she already had his health almost

completely gone. Then as Brad frantically hit buttons tears started welling up in his eyes,

then she rushed him and it was all over. the message "Finish Him" appeared on screen and

Brad wondered how she would do it?

She then pointed at Brad's character Johnny Cage and a purple mist began to form from in 

front of her and began to envelop him. Brad never noticed that the same mist was enveloping

him as well. Then when the mist started to disperse everything seemed much stranger then

before and Brad looked up and could swear that he was actually looking at MissFoxie in 

real life but in a Jade costume.

Not only that but Jade appeared to be laughing at Brad and he was unable to do anything

to stop it, then he noticed that she was much bigger now and was towering over him. Brad

got so frightened that he began to feel a warm sensation around his legs and looked down

and was shocked to see he was looking at baby feet and a very cute and thickly padded diaper

around his waist. That's when he lost it and began to cry, Jade/MissFoxie now stood in front

of him with her hands on her hips admiring her work. Then she felt bad for the crying baby

boy and pulled a baby bottle from behind her back, Brad's baby instincts kicked in and that's

all he saw was the bottle and reached out for it. Then Jade/MissFoxie smirked at the babbling

baby reaching out for the bottle and gave in to give it to him and she stood proud of her work,

Brad was no longer the strong buff guy but was now nothing more then MissFoxie's cute little

baby who needed a nap and a diaper change.

The last bit of Brad's grown-up mind finally noticed the words above Jade/MissFoxie's character

was "Babality!" Then Brad lost the fight as his now smaller body and mind took over as he slowly

began to close his eyes and fell asleep.

*all art work is done by RC and story by ozno/littlepampersboy13.*


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